Love is an Olive Tree

A dream come true. This is what it was like to bring a small olive tree to Everest . On September 27, 2008, Paolo Coppini leaves for his adventure. Bring a symbol of peace to the roof of the world.
The Coppini brothers grew up like this, educated from an early age to a passion for the mountains and a great respect for nature. A respect that is expressed every day when they create their extra virgin olive oil with the least environmental impact possible.
A long cherished dream, leaving for a trek to Everest, the mother of all mountains. With some climbing partners who shared the same passion and the same values, Paolo Coppini reached the summit, often hidden by the clouds, so close to God that he had the impression of being able to see and touch him.
In "Journey of life" brought with him a small olive tree , and left it at the CNR pyramid at an altitude of 5,050 m, together with the pennant of the municipality of Parma , which now it flutters together with the tricolor and the European flag on one of the highest peaks in the Himalayas. A passionate gesture, an impulse of love towards the planet Earth so in need of attention and care, an act of faith towards humanity.
Everest, the place of the soul from which to transmit a thought of peace to the men and women of this planet. An olive tree, universal symbol of peace, prosperity and fertility that has accompanied the history of man for over 6000 years to date, expressing with its indomitable strength the symbol of the eternity of life on our planet.
Along the way to Everest they met people from all over the world, they found in diversity and tolerance the meaning of an entire existence.
In a historical moment like the present one, crossed by wars that tear the world apart, Paul's journey found in the silence of an uncontaminated nature that flow of love that he wished to dedicate to humanity.
Shot with many difficulties, the docu-film shows hundreds of people from many different countries repeating like a mantra "Love is an olive tree!". During the trek the differences between individuals no longer mattered, only the journey and the shared goal mattered. The difference between languages and cultures have given added value to the project and the company's fame has crossed the borders of the world, brought by the men and women who shared the rise.